Thursday, June 11, 2009

Only one missing - Willi Wonka

Ethel, Candy Factory Supervisor and Lucy

Rachel, Hannah and Jordon at the Cerrita Candy Factory in Glendale.

We went on the "tour" of the chocolate candy factory today. It was more fun for me because the episode of the "I Love Lucy " show titled: "Job Switching", which originally aired in 1952 is an all time favorite of Lucy fans and those of us who have manufacturing backgrounds.

Our own tour of the gift shop was fun too.....

They have Polar Bears in Arizona?????

Well, maybe just this little one.

Supposedly the second largest Polar Bear to have ever been shot as the sign proudly boasted. We almost walked right by it too without noticing it....I know, I know (doh!). This one was found in the back of an antiques shop in downtown Glendale.