You do have to wonder about what would prompt the first person to eat an oyster, not to mention other foods like liver, raw egg yolks and of course, scorpions. I do love them and we certainly had a few today.
Hannah and Rachel in front of one of the "huitre" stands in Cancale. The last time we were here the oysters were so much cheaper but they are still as good as ever.
Here I am with Hannah and Rachel at the beach in Cancale at low tide. After a few minutes the jackets and especially the scarf came was a nice sunny, warm day....the kind of day where it is warm but you can still sit in the sun.....I know I forgot how that can be in Arizona.
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
Joel's oysters....haha.
We had a great day today. The last and only other time we ever were here in Cancale was in 1996. I always wanted to go back and today we finally did. I just love showing Hannah and Rachel new places. They are very easy to travel with and usually pretty flexible. Rachel did in fact taste an oyster (she didn't like it), Hannah of course didn't try surprises there.
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